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5 Tips on Finding the Best Ecommerce Accountant for Your Business

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Are you struggling to run your e-commerce business? Do you find that you're up late at night worrying about finances or trying to balance the books?

If so, you're not alone. Many e-commerce business owners have trouble understanding accounting for e-commerce. Accounting in general is difficult, but accountants for e-commerce have a special kind of skill set.

To learn more about accounting and e-commerce, keep reading. We'll tell you how to find an e-commerce accountant so that your mind can be set at ease in the future. Plus, will let you in on some of the best accounting services you can find.

1. Find an Ecommerce Accountant Who's Informed

The point of having an e-commerce accountant is for them to help you. If you end up having an accountant who isn't knowledgeable or doesn't seem to know what they're doing, this isn't going to help you. You need to make sure that you have an e-commerce accountant who not only understands basic accounting but also understands e-commerce accounting in particular.

Sometimes, this means that you need to find an e-commerce accountant with experience under their belt. Other times, e-commerce business owners may ask scenario questions during interviews to be sure that the accountant understands.

Whatever technique you go with, just make sure that you're hiring an accountant who helps you. If they don't help, there's no point in hiring them.

Also, if you want to get an idea of what they could bring to your business, you may want to ask interview questions that have to do with improved techniques for the future. You could give them a sample budget and ask them how they would approach a hypothetical scenario. Use their answers to determine whether or not you think they would bring a wealth of knowledge to your business.

2. Find an Ecommerce Accountant Who's Collaborative

You need to have an e-commerce accountant that's willing to work with you. Sometimes, business owners have problems with their accountants because they will work individually. This leaves the business owner out of the loop and often leads to miscommunications or missed steps within the business.

Make sure that you are clear about your intentions to be collaborative with your e-commerce accountant. This will give you more control over your business and help you learn a few financial tricks along the way.

You shouldn't have to be the one making every single decision, but you should be able to have input on the decisions that the accountant makes. Small, day-to-day tasks may not be a big deal, but you do need to be included in financial scenarios that involve investments, inventory, or other big commitments.

If you find that your e-commerce accountant isn't keeping you in the loop, you need to make sure to shift their point of you or get a new e-commerce accountant. Collaboration is important to your business' success.

3. Find an Ecommerce Accountant Who's Human

This point may be weird to read, but it is very important. With so many different accounting software, companies can drown in the number of options that come with cheap programs.

These accounting programs may be revolutionary for the industry, but they will not put your e-commerce business at the top. You need to work with real-life accountants, rather than depending on a system on the Internet.

Businesses may like the convenience and costs of accounting software, but nothing beats calling a live human and getting real answers.

We should also note that a human is more likely to have the answers to your questions and understand what you're asking. The software programs are extremely intuitive, but they aren't perfect.

You may think that having a human accountant is more expensive, but this isn't necessarily true. Even those live accountants who are more expensive tend to offer more than a simple accounting software would.

4. Find an Ecommerce Accountant Who's Invested

Your accountant needs to care about your business. We understand that you are paying the accountant for their services, but this shouldn't be a simple business interaction.

When it comes down to the hard decisions, your accountant needs to have your business' best interest at heart. This means that they need to have a bond with you and your business, even if that just means that they like your products. Without this connection, your accountant may not be able to present your business well.

On the flip side, you don't want your accountant to be too emotionally invested in your business. If they are clouded by their own emotions, they could make improper decisions for your business.

You need to find the sweet spot. Find an accountant that loves what you're doing but isn't personally influenced by the nature of your business.

5. Find an Ecommerce Accountant Who's Future-Oriented

It may be great to have an e-commerce accountant that can help with current issues in your company, but you need to hire an accountant that is future-oriented. 

Your accountant should push your business to be better in the future, whether this means financially or by other means. Your accountant should be able to focus on the present while thinking about the future.

Sit down with your e-commerce accountant and talk about what you both want the future to look like. Try to align your goals with their financial hopes for your business. Work with them to meet these goals over time.

We recommend that you take the time periodically to meet with your accountant and go over how your business is or is not meeting these goals that you have set. Using this information, you can always have a way to better your business.

Ecommerce Accountants for Your Ecommerce Business

If you're looking for e-commerce accountants that meet all of these criteria, look no further than LN Accounting. We offer a variety of accounting services and are skilled in the e-commerce realm.

Feel free to contact us today so that we can get started on bettering your e-commerce business. Also, feel free to take a look at our guide to accounting for e-commerce. This can give you a glimpse into what sort of ideas our accountants may have for you.

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